In the Fall of 2009, students enrolled in Urban Design in collaboration with the Jackson Community Design Center will continue research initiated by last year’s class which addressed architectural, economic, infrastructural, and zoning conditions along the State Street Corridor in Jackson (that is, all blocks immediately adjacent to State Street from I-20 in the south to County Line Road in the north). While the form and specific content of this research will be determined by the class as a whole through the course of the semester, the measurable output of this work will take the form of a public symposium and exhibition early in the Spring of 2010. By disseminating their findings directly to city and state leaders, interested citizens, and other researchers, students will receive feedback, both practical and theoretical, and reap the benefits of expanding the all-too-often narrow dialogue.
It is our hope that the community at large will choose to participate.
(Excerpt from our letter of intent written by Jassen Callender.)